About Us

About Us

Let us tell you our story

We first purchased our little patch of Paradise 12 years ago. We pretty much had a blank canvas to build upon. Our goal was to create a small farm that could be reasonable self-sufficient using cleaner greener methods as apposed to the conventional ways.

What we have learnt throughout the journey is what was old is new again, and that the health of your soil is the single most important factor to growing anything! And by that, I mean things that grow in it, and things that grow on top of it!

Growing garlic has been on the Radar since day dot! Unfortunately, 4 ½ years ago our lives were turned upside down when my wife Rosalie suffered a severe stroke. This sparked a need to reinvent ourselves and look for ideas within to move forward in life.  With the encouragement of a mate down the road and a local grower we decided to head down the Organic path and give Giant Russian Garlic a go! The Garlic journey for us has been very rewarding with Rosalie really embracing all things garlic.

Here at Nagles Falls Farm in the beautiful Macleay Valley we are passionate about producing the best Organic Giant Russian Garlic we can. We hope you love our Garlic as much as we love growing it!

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